- In a rapidly changing market, instant communication and versatile mobile communication solutions are critical to the success of your business. With Motorola's GM339 Select V mobile radios, you can now enjoy immediate and reliable communication to keep your mobile teams working efficiently. Whether you are a courier service personnel where information on direction is critical, or a police officer needing emergency backup at an accident scene, or from a transportation company that wants to improve its fleet management, the GM339 Select V mobile radio is a solution that lets you stay in touch and in control.
GM339 Select V mobile radio is compatible with Private Line and 5-tone Selective signalling protocols.
Ideal when you need:
• 5-tone selective signalling standards, which include ZVEI, Modified ZVEI, French Modified ZVEI, 20ms CCIR, 70 ms CCIR, 100 ms CCIR and EEA signalling systems, that enhance productivity.
• Motorola's special voice compression and low level expansion technology ensures crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to communicate even in a noisy working environment.
• A full 255-channel operating capacity on both the GM339 and GM399 enables the mobiles to accommodate a vast number of users and work groups concurrently.
• Through an optional voice storage board, the GM339 can record important messages or personal memos up to 120 seconds.
Motorola GM339 radio available in Freuqncy bands as shown under:
- AZM25KHF9AN5 GM339 Mobile, VHF (136 - 174 MHZ) 255 channels, 25W, compact Mic
- AZM25RHF9AN5 GM339 Mobile, UHF (403 - 470 MHZ) 255 channels, 25W, compact Mic
- AZM25SHF9AN5 GM339 Mobile, UHF (450 - 520 MHZ) 255 channels, 25W, compact Mic